Japanese Academy of Dental Technology

The 7th International Congress of Dental Technology
The 46th Annual Scientific Meeting
Abstract submission form

[the closing day] 2024.10.31 (Thu.)

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* We do not perform the individual communication of the decision of the adoption.
We will be released later (we plan it on ____ on HP. Please identify you in a meeting special site.

* You must attach the abstract at the time of the application.

abstract preparation (PDF 19.9KB)

You must make an abstract along the following templates.
And you save it in Microsoft WORD (doc,docx) form, and please send it from this form at the time of a subject application at the same time.
Please make a file name lead author name (full name). (Example gakkaitarou.doc)

Abstract template for poster presentations for ADT members in Taiwan PDF(20.7KB) Word(docx 20.6KB)

Abstract submission form
発表形式: e-poster
1.title :
  Within 20 words (English only) : Do not list a subtitle (title following the subject)
2.lead presenter :
Institution :
Member.category : regular member / student member / supporting member / non-member
* click one
3.co-presenter : , , ,
(Including lead author to six)
Institution of co-presenter

* Institution of co-presenter is up to three.(Including institution of lead author to four)
* The co-presenter (joint publisher) must be members of "Taiwan ADT".
* Write the institutions of all the presenter
(Please cope with "a single parenthesis number" in a beginning of back and institutions of the name if institutions is different.)

4.address :  
postal code
mailing address
telephone number
fax number
e-mail address
confirmation Please enter your e-mail address again.
5.research ethics review and conflict of interest :
  >> Research ethics review
  YES / NO
  ┗ If the answer is “yes”, please enter the research ethics approval number.
(About 15 characters)
>> Conflict of interest
┗ When there is profit reciprocity, please input about the economic interest or university-industry research collaboration activity with the associated company, group concretely.
(About 50 words No line breaks allowed Nothing after the line break is sent)
6.classification :  


A. basics 1anatomy  
2 materials science impression material
gypsum and investment
resin for denture
resin for crown and bridge
Artificial tooth
3 laboratory operations impression
working cast
wax pattern
laser welding
build-up and firing of porcelain
B. clinical crown restoration
removable partial denture
complete denture
oral implant
maxillofacial prosthodontics
occlusal splint and mouthguard
orthodontic appliance
occlusion and articulator
telescope crown and attachment
laboratory tools
C. evaluation tone of color
accuracy and compatibility
D. biocompatibility esthetics
denture plaque
E.  education ,  research , psychology ,  morals
F.  business administration , environmental facilities , social administration , history
G. others →
(please provide specific details)
  (please click □ to check the applicable item. )
8.abstract file :
You push the reference button, and please choose the file of the abstract.
Limited to Microsoft Word documents (doc, docx) based on templates.
Please make a file name lead author name (full name). (ex. gakkaitarou.doc)
remark :